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How to boost First-time deposit conversion rates for online casinos

 First-time deposit (FTD) conversion is a popular customer acquisition metric in the iGaming industry. By reducing friction during the registration and deposit processes, operators can significantly increase their FTDs. The more convenient and quick the process, the more willing players are to deposit money into a gaming platform. Bonuses are popular among players. Read Bonuses in real-time: automated and based on player behavior to learn more about leveraging rewards. The larger and better the bonus, the more eager players are to sign up for the casino and make their first deposit. The timing of delivery is also critical.

What effect do first-time deposits have on your business?

Why should FTD be boosted? What effect do first-time deposits have on your business? Because the competition is so fierce and each player is so important, online casinos use bonuses to grow their player base and retain current players. Whether a player is new to online gambling or simply switching platforms, they must first deposit funds. That is why online casinos have introduced welcome bonuses, which are important additions to the first deposit and give players a great start. Some gambling platforms will even waive the initial deposit made when joining the casino, allowing players to gamble for free. Such is the level of competition among gaming companies! They gain some of the most valuable customers as a result of such lavish promotions. These customers are the real deal; they account for nearly 80% of total revenue generated by such loyal customers.

1. Registered but not deposited (RND)

What should you do if a new user registers on your platform but does not make a deposit? Look no further; use this straightforward strategy to easily convert them into first-time depositors.

Make a special Journey for players who have yet to complete their FTD. Wait one day and filter everyone who registered 5 minutes ago in real-time. Check to see if the player has made a deposit. Send a greeting SMS to the player if they have made a deposit on your platform. If the player has not made their FTD, send an automated personalised SMS saying, "Hi Mr.John, make a deposit of $50 and receive an additional $50 complimentary." Valid for 24 hours; take advantage before it expires!"

2. iGames loyalty programmes

According to the Pareto Principle of Customer Success: The 80/20 rule, 20% of a group is responsible for 80% of sales. As a result, retaining customers or converting them into repeat customers increases your chances of earning revenue. Similarly, in the online gaming industry, 20% of loyal players account for 80% of revenue. As a result, it is obvious that solid Loyalty programmes are required for iGames! You can incorporate Tier programmes into your FTD promotions to incentivize customer loyalty from the start. Based on their FTD amount, you can divide your players into three levels: High (Gold), Mid (Silver), and Low (Bronze).

  • Gold: FTD amount greater than $100 in gold

  • Silver: FTD ranges from $50 to $100.

  • Bronze: FTD amount ranging from $0 to $50.

3. Make use of the multi-channel communication power.

OptiKPI enables gaming operators to communicate with their customers through a variety of channels. Some of your customers might prefer one mode of communication over another. Businesses can communicate with their customers on their preferred communication channel at any time with multi-channel messaging for online gambling sites.

4. Examine player behavior.

Player behaviour is defined as the characteristics of players that cause them to act in a certain way. The OptiKPI Journey Builder allows gaming operators to analyse and convert player behaviour into business growth. It also determines the players' likes and dislikes. OptiKPI also promotes responsible gaming and the abolition of gamer addiction. Finally, we can help you establish a healthy gaming community (happy players bring in more people and revenue). We anticipate player responses in real-time to create complex automated marketing campaigns in the simplest ways to help you succeed in the market.

Why use OptiKPI?

To efficiently deliver all promotional bonuses, we provide you with an easy-to-create and deployable bonus workstation as well as the ability to access any marketing channels you desire. All of the above processes can be automated, removing the need for manual labour. OptiKPI is a simple marketing tool that can be quickly integrated into a gaming platform. By providing global customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, OptiKPI ensures uncompromised service.

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